Monday, October 1, 2012

Anger is Normal....

Anger is normal and a healthy energizing response to real intrusions. However, anger can also come from a perception of unfairness or fear.


The person with an anger problem feels abnormally stressed most of the time.

Making the distinction between situations that require anger for protection and annoyances that simply require a deep breath is a skill. It can be learned, and it can save families, health and careers.

Anger that lasts too long or happens too frequently can indicate a need to learn anger management skills.
Easily angered people don't always curse and throw things; sometimes they withdraw socially, sulk, or get physically ill.

Research has found that, typically, people who are easily angered come from families that are disruptive, chaotic, and not skilled at emotional communications.

Signs of the need for anger management:
  • Cussing or swearing a lot, using high drama descriptions
  • Feeling frustrated a lot
  • Constantly putting others down
  • Criticizing everything
  • A low ability to put one
  • self in another person's feelings
  • Chronically irritable or grumpy
  • Seeing the dark side of things more often than the bright side
  • Often making cynical comments
  • Often thinking or saying, "That's horrible."
  • Often thinking or saying, "Everything's ruined."
  • Often thinking or saying, "That g**d** boss/machine/person."
  • Often reacting with high drama
  • Often using "always" or "never" about yourself or others
  • Often demanding and expecting (instead of asking and waiting) to get something from someone- or get something done by someone
  • Often responding to hurts with anger instead of responding with hurt 

Seek support through others, therapist, clergy - someone to talk to.

 When you are ready to begin or continue your personal journey of self-discovery and empowerment, contact Cheryl Wheeler at: 602-334-9554 or

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